Protecting Wyoming’s families and children from the harms of pornography is a key focus of my 2026 campaign. I will push for policies that address this pervasive issue and safeguard our communities’ values and well-being.
Faith: The Foundation
This is not addressed in the political or governmental landscape at all that I am aware of. However, it is time to address it head on and not only talk about it, but do something about it from a legislative standpoint. The Bible is clear about the dangers of lust, impurity, and immorality. Countless passages can be cited for the consequences as it pertains to sexual sin and the consequences of it. Romans 1, is a good place to start when it comes to how God feels about this subject.
My commitment to protecting our youth, our minds, our marriages, and hearts from the harmful effects of pornography is something I take very seriously. It is time to turn it off. We legislate all kinds of evil things to protect the people we love, but for some reason, we have ignored this issue. This may not win me any prizes; it may not even be popular…. But I will work to propose legislation that will make the production, sale, and distribution of pornography illegal in this state.
Pornography is the act of devaluing our fellow man to mere objects of pleasure; this devaluing primarily happens to women and children. As such, it is destroying the ability for our young and old alike to have functional relationships.
Family: The Reason
According to some sources, the average first age of exposure to pornography is 11 years, with 100% of 15-year-old males and 80% of 15-year-old females reporting that they have been exposed to violent, degrading online pornography.
Another study showed that AT LEAST 60% of divorces cited pornography as 1 determining factor in causing the divorce.
Needless to say, this is irreversibly damaging our kids, our families, and victimizing countless women and children whom are primarily subject to the production of pornography.
Pornography undermines core family values, damages relationships, and harms children’s emotional and psychological well-being. Policies must be put into place that prioritize safeguarding families from exposure to this pervasive issue.
This issue hits home for me, as I was utterly mortified how easily and how early my young children saw their first pornography and how they came about it. In my ignorance as a parent, I just had no idea. We will work to be the first state to do something about this issue.
Freedom: The Result
Protecting individuals and families from the exploitation and addiction associated with pornography promotes true freedom—freedom from destructive habits and relationships.
Future: The Consequence
Unchecked pornography use can lead to widespread societal harm, including broken families and degraded cultural values. Wise action today will protect future generations from its damaging effects.