Abortion: Defending life with compassion.

Life is sacred, and as Governor, I will work tirelessly to protect the unborn and support mothers in Wyoming. My pro-life stance reflects my unwavering commitment to family-first policies. As a 2026 gubernatorial candidate, I stand firm on protecting the unborn and supporting families. My pro-life policies reflect Wyoming’s values and a commitment to the sanctity of life.

Faith: The Foundation

Perhaps the real fight of our lifetime is for those not born yet. Life is sacred and begins in the womb at conception. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). My unwavering commitment to protecting the lives of the unborn while promoting compassion for mothers in difficult situations by providing them with the support to choose something other than abortion.

Family: The Reason

The nuclear family is the foundation of society, and every child planned or unplanned is a gift to be cherished. Policies should support pregnant mothers and families, offering resources and care that affirm the value of life and strengthen the family unit. The recent decisions by judges in Wyoming are concerning regarding this issue. Classifying pregnancy as a medical condition and abortion as a constitutional right.

Freedom: The Result

By protecting life, we uphold the most fundamental freedom—the right to live. Policies rooted in faith and family foster a culture that values all human life and promotes true liberty.

Future: The Consequence

I’ve often wondered what may have died with all of these aborted precious little children. The cure for cancer? The next generation of energy ideas? A society that disregards the sanctity of life, and kills its babies erodes its moral foundation at the core. Protecting the unborn and supporting families creates a culture that cherishes life and ensures a brighter, more compassionate future.