Kids and Technology: Addressing screen time and safety

Protecting Wyoming’s children from harmful content and excessive screen time is a key part of my 2026 gubernatorial campaign. I will push for policies that safeguard kids’ mental and physical health while encouraging responsible technology use that strengthens families.


Faith: The Foundation

The Bible warns us to guard our hearts and minds. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” Proverbs 4:23. Matthew 18:5-6 Jesus talks about the responsibility we have to protect the innocence and minds of our children. My commitment is to ensuring technology is used responsibly, protecting children from harmful influences on their mental, psychological, and physical well-being as it pertains to technology, its use, and its abuse. Please see more on this issue regarding content please click here. It is TIME for us to address this issue head on.

Family: The Reason

Technology should support, not undermine, the family. Policies should prioritize protecting children from exploitation, excessive screen time, and harmful content while promoting positive uses of technology to strengthen family bonds. Studies around the globe are beginning to emerge about the effects of technology on not only our kids, but also families, our communities, and our connections. Many governments are already doing things about this, such as Australia recently banning social media for kids under 16.

Freedom: The Result

By guiding the use of technology, we create a society where children and families have the freedom to grow and thrive without the negative effects of addiction or exposure to harmful content which is truly one of the great evils of our age.

Future: The Consequence

Unchecked technological influences can harm future generations’ mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We are already seeing this in our young adults and kids of the upcoming generations. Wise policies today will create a future where technology is a tool for good, not a detriment to family and societal well-being.