Gambling can destabilize families and communities. As Governor, I will advocate for responsible policies that minimize harm while safeguarding Wyoming families. I will advocate for policies that protect families from addiction while fostering a culture of accountability.
Faith: The Foundation
The Bible warns against the dangers of greed and the pursuit of wealth through dishonest means. “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income” (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Faith guides me to oppose policies that exploit individuals for financial gain while seeking balanced solutions to addiction and related issues.
Family: The Reason
Gambling often destabilizes families by fostering financial hardship, addiction, and broken trust. Policies should protect families by minimizing the harms associated with gambling while promoting support and education for those affected.
Freedom: The Result
Reducing the impact of gambling addiction promotes personal and financial freedom for individuals and families. It empowers people to focus on productive pursuits rather than falling into cycles of loss and dependency.
We have lost basic medical freedoms under the current medical system, where medical care providers can charge an arm and a leg (literally) for even the most basic of procedures while artificially raising the cost of everything to the consumer. Medical freedom is something we are going to have to work on; it is a complex issue.
Future: The Consequence
Unchecked gambling policies can lead to widespread societal harm, including financial instability and increased crime. Thoughtful regulations will ensure Wyoming fosters a culture of responsibility and economic health for future generations.
This has most medical systems completely overwhelmed and misguided. We talk a TON about healthy living, but we don’t actually do much to support it. A Wyoming under my governorship will focus solely on working with the Trump Administration to shift our national and local medical mindset towards wellness, not illness.